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Business Performance Management Consultancy


Our consultants have experience of a wide range of industry sectors and use this knowledge to deliver business and operations improvement services. 

BPM Consulting practice helps private organizations respond to change and add value to the company, offering practical guidance on:


·  Driving value and helping optimize capital and cost structures 

·  Developing and applying business strategies to improve financial and operational performance 

·  Dealing with business change management and the people issues which arise from it. 


 We adopt a collaborative approach, working alongside clients to: 


·  Restructure and standardize finance operations 

·  Design and establish performance management systems 

·  Identify working capital and cost optimization opportunities 

·  Establish more effective approaches to planning, budgeting and forecasting.




Management Outsourcing Services


Designed especially for Small and medium enterprises that recognize the important of the cash and budgets during the growing process. Once a company became successful the need of full time key position is a must, but during the growth process what you need is just detailed, an excellent supervision for professionals who create the scenario for the next full time position owners’, consequently, we offer to our clients a part-time management role, helping them with its cash and budget with quality and experienced professionals to help you whenever you need one.


As a growing company you keep a very close eye on what you spend, and you may have a bookkeeper or accountant or some junior managers who can provide much of the information you need to run your business, but you find that once the jobs get done there are some gaps. Our Management outsourcing services assist you with:


·  Adequate financial and budgetary control that is appropriate to your business

·  Redefine your Strategy Plan, and control it until is achieved

·  Integrate management information from sources other than accounts, and translate financial and commercial

   information, to provide you relevant and reliable decision making data

·  Helping you when there simply aren’t enough hands to get the work done, especially when new projects arise and/or is a

   high season for your business and you need extra help.


We provide Managers for an interim period, or if you are looking to add expertise to your business, then, we can bring you that expertise in the following key positions:



1.  General Manager outsourcing


BPM Consulting helps clients to transform their business, balancing the critical levers of cash flow — cost, investments and revenue to achieve sustainable business performance. Main Key aspects to consider are:


·  Obtain accurate information to drive the business acumen: Any business today needs to have confidence in the data

   that's used to report financial results, set future performance expectations, evaluate risk and understand customer

   interests. BPM Consulting working together with clients creating standards, policies and governance around data that

   goes all the way down to the item level.


·  Focus on sustainable performance: Find and retain the skills and tools you need, build disciplines and processes that

   allow you to be in control of the business, and understand how to attach risk to your advantage. 


2.  Strategy Executive Officer outsourcing 


BPM Consulting focuses on fundamental strategy and operational business issues — managing risk, increasing revenues and controlling costs — which all organizations, in all industries, should address in order to succeed. We help you identify risks and optimize operations that are used to support their strategic business objectives and financial goals. 

Our Strategy Planning & Operations professionals seek to empower clients to make better business decisions by helping clients think through:


·  Operations risk management: Main focus on supplier risk, product portfolio risk and process risk.

·  Strategic cash generation: Based on working capital optimization, revenue management, operational optimization, and

   cost management. 

·  Customer management: Provide understanding in to managing the entire life cycle of a customer, helps with visibility into

   customer segmentation and assists in increase customer retention and acquisition.


3.  Commercial Finance Manager outsourcing


The commercial and finance functions need to be aligned, and provide deep analysis and insight to support corporate decision making, while also meeting legal and regulatory requirements as a given. Our Aim is helping you to maximize the commercial finance function's performance and increase its value to the business.

We at BPM Consulting provide Commercial & Financial Management support under two main services:


·  Effective Decision Support, helping clients deliver a fit-for-purpose commercial finance planning and performance

   management framework in order to help the business to make better decisions. It includes the following offerings: 

-  Working Capital Management 

-  Cost Management 

-  Financial Information & Performance Management 

-  Planning Budgeting & Forecasting


·  Commercial Finance Strategy, It helps the CFO’s to clearly articulate its Finance vision and commercial strategy, analyze

   the performance of both functions, and develop a future state operating model that is fit for purpose. This involves a

   wide ranging review of the commercial & finance functions, matching performance to business requirements and

   diagnosing areas for improvement across the commercial finance landscape. It includes the following offerings: 

-  Business strategy alignment 

-  Commercial Finance Business partnering 

-  Commercial Finance functions link




Pricing and Financial Bid Support


BPM Consulting provide advice and support in your current and future Bids process based on the financials and the pricing structure at any stage, especially when this is not aimed your client’s expectations and became not financial viable for you. Our main focus and help is based on two of the three common selection methods: 

·  Low-bid selection: This selection focuses on the price of a project. BPM Consulting helps you with a review and advice of

   your current pricing bid, and if it is necessary we create a winning pricing matrix.

·  Best-value selection: This selection focuses on both the best price and best qualifications of the company's submitting

   bids. We help you to get the best price, and review, analyze and advice about your current qualifications based on the

   request for proposal (RFP).




Business Analytics & Reporting   


BPM Consulting offers a business analytics reports ad-hoc to your business on a monthly basis for a period of 1 year minimum but in order to achieve a successful results, our steps are:


·  Set up a system (minimum an accounting system)

.  Collect data from your new system and/or import your previous data into the system. 

·  Organize the data

.  Clean the data we have collected & organized

.  Evaluate which reporting tool to use as per your company requirements


Reporting tools we normally suggest and use are Tableau and Excel, depends on the size and complexity of the business.


Business analytics is more than just statistics, is a complex analysis of the data and explain to the business owners or Directors our findings plus discuss what actions or decisions to take or make, that is why this service is on a monthly basis for a minimum of 1 year, to be sure that our work have a good impact in your financial results and therefore your business performance improvement. 








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